DELTA could become dominant COVID strain in SL

DELTA could become dominant COVID strain in Sri Lanka, warns Specialist Physicians

by Pavani Hapuarachchi 25-07-2021 | 6:00 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); President of the Association of Specialist Physicians - Specialist Dr. Lakkumar Fernando said there is a risk of the DELTA variant becoming the dominant strain in Sri Lanka, within the coming month.

He said experts have reached this conclusion taking into account the spread of the DELTA variant in other parts of the world and the high transmissibility of the strain.

Whilst pointing out that the COVID-19 vaccination drive in the country is at a satisfactory level, Dr. Lakkumar Fernando stressed on the shortcomings with regard to the prioritization.

The Association of Specialist Physicians is of the view that instead of distributing the vaccines on a provincial basis, it is more advisable that the vaccines be distributed according to the efficacy and the age groups as per the global standards.

The association pointed out that unless such a method of vaccination is not followed, the chances of defeating the DELTA variant are limited.

The Association of Specialist Physicians further questioned as to why the local authorities are granting emergency approval for the use of COVID-19 vaccines that do not possess data in respect of the DELTA variant, whilst other countries are selecting vaccines that are suitable to combat the DELTA variant.

It further stressed that the relaxation of the travel restrictions MUST be reviewed, where the maximum number of people that can gather at one event being limited between 50 to 60 people, with a cap on the duration of gatherings.

The Association of Specialist Physicians also emphasized that a mechanism should be prepared in order to ensure that those who are refusing to receive vaccine are also prompted to get inoculated.