IP and Sergeant fined and imprisoned for bribery

IP and Sergeant fined and imprisoned for bribery

by Staff Writer 16-05-2019 | 8:15 PM
COLOMBO (News 1st): A police inspector who was found guilty under four separate indictments was sentenced to four years of rigorous imprisonment and was fined Rs. 20,000. The order was issued by Colombo High Court judge Gihan Kulatunga. The IP was sentenced for taking a bribe of Rs. 5,000 for not taking legal action against a vendor selling wild boar meat without a valid licence. Meanwhile, another police sergeant was also fined Rs. 40,000 with seven years of rigorous imprisonment. He was charged under eight separate indictments for aiding and abetting the same crime and obtaining a bribe of Rs. 3500. The defendants were both police officers who were attached to the Theeniyawala police station in 2006. The court ruled the IP as guilty of all four indictments filed by the Bribery Commission and imposed a sentence of 14 years to be served in four years. In addition, the police sergeant who was also found guilty of eight indictments was imposed a sentence of 56 years to be served in seven years.