The possibility of a divided nation

by Staff Writer 13-01-2019 | 10:03 PM
COLOMBO (News 1st) - The current government and the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) had made a number of statements in the past playing down the allegations that there is an agreement between the two parties. However, more recently representatives of the TNA have made public statements suggesting that there is, in fact, an agreement between the TNA and the UNP. Tamil National Alliance MP M.A. Sumanthiran said that extensive discussions were held between the UNP and the TNA when a motion of no confidence was presented against the prime minister. Sumanthiran points out that the presentations of the proposed draft of the new constitution in parliament, and the assigning of the Ministry of Northern Development under the Prime Minister was a result of these discussions. Meanwhile, leader of the ITAK Mavei Senadhiraja said yesterday (January 12) that a mechanism has been created for cabinet decisions to be taken only after holding discussions with the TNA and that the government can work only after holding discussions with them adding that a team has also been appointed for the purpose.

Controversial statement

Meanwhile speaking at another event held in Jaffna last evening (Jan 12) MP M.A. Sumanthiran made a rather controversial statement suggesting that there is a possibility that the country may be divided. He stated that the hearts of the Sinhala people should be won over. He noted that they are not attempting to take over what belongs to the Sinhala people, adding that what they ask for is the release of what belongs to them. While acknowledging that there are fears that the country could be divided, the TNA MP stated that dividing the country was a possibility. While noting that they were able to bring about a report on the new constitution to Parliament, something that people thought was impossible according to Sumanthiran, the MP added that they have now become a decisive force in the government.

Opposition to block TNA's efforts

General Secretary of the UPFA Mahinda Amaraweera commenting on the matter noted that they would defeat any proposal to divide the country through their votes. Amaraweera added that they would not allow such a proposal to be even presented before Parliament. Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation Arjuna Ranatunga speaking on the issue stated that if there are shortcomings and loopholes in the new Constitution they should be addressed. He added that if the proposals are in any way detrimental to the country or divide the country, he would personally take a stand against it. UPFA MP Pavithra Wanniarachchi addressing a public rally noted that the Government is now playing a new game with a new constitution because they are afraid of elections. While noting that the UNP can not deceive the public the MP stated that the UNP has been enslaved by the TNA. Wanniarachchi stated that the UNP has presented a report on a new constitution in order to satisfy the needs of the TNA. She noted that the UNP would use the new constitution, to elect a President (through the votes of the MPs), and then postpone elections citing a need to complete the delimitation process. the MP went on to state that while this is happening all powers would be transferred to the Provincial Councils. MP Mahindananda Aliuthgamage addressing the same rally questioned the PM's actions when a large majority of his own party has stated that the would work against the new Constitution unless they are provided with a clearer picture of what the UNP hopes to achieve.   Against such a backdrop a group headed by the Prime Minister recently presented a report to the constitutional assembly with a few hidden agendas. Who is raising their voices in support of a new constitution for the country at such a time? Even intellectuals have pointed out that the country desperately needs solutions to the issues that the people face on a daily basis in place of a new constitution. When all these opinions seem to be falling on the deaf ears, the Prime Minister is attempting to secure power through a new constitution at a time when he will not be able to do it through a public vote. Through the 19th amendment, the Prime Minister made a similar attempt and shamelessly tried to remove the obstacles in place to consolidate power through the backdoor. Various attempts to silence media that reveals the truth to the people through a draft bill were averted when News 1st and a number of other parties took to the matter to the apex court of the country. Who are these rulers trying to possibly fool?