59 tree Falls Reported Within CMC Jurisdiction

59 tree Falls Reported Within Colombo Municipal Council Jurisdiction

by Staff Writer 26-05-2024 | 6:49 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Colombo Municipal Council says that 59 incidents of tree falling have been reported within the jurisdiction of the CMC due to the prevailing heavy rains and windy weather conditions.

Its Director of Land and Environmental Development, Engineer Manoj Ranasinghe said that 19 of those incidents were reported from Vihara Mahadevi Park.

He mentioned that an inspection was carried out to identify the trees that were under the risk of falling, and over 200 trees were identified during this inspection.

He also mentioned that 100 out of those 200 trees have now been removed.

The Director said that the trees under risk of falling were identified by the features of the trunk and the current tree falls were reported due to weaknesses in the roots.

He said that the CMC is working with the NBRO to prevent further damage.