Shi Yan 6: Ruhuna Uni steps away from research

Shi Yan 6: Ruhuna University steps away from joint research program

by Zulfick Farzan 03-10-2023 | 6:18 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st);The University of Ruhuna announced that it has decided to step away from the research program that was to take place with the Chinese geophysical scientific research vessel Shi Yan 6.

The Chinese vessel's visit also drew concerns from neighboring India.

Sri Lanka Navy earlier confirmed that the Shi Yan 6 was to dock in Sri Lanka on the 25th of October, however, diplomatic level clearance had not been granted by Sri Lankan authorities even by last evening. 

The Chinese geophysical scientific research vessel Shi Yan 6 was located some 474 nautical miles away from the Hambantota Port this evening.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs diplomatic level clearance was not provided for the Shi Yan 6 to dock in any of Sri Lanka's ports.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that as the Shi Yan 6 is a designated research vessel, the dates and areas it intends to conduct its research should be communicated to the country's Foreign Ministry.

The National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) earlier said that the Chinese geophysical scientific research vessel Shi Yan 6 will be reaching Sri Lanka as per an agreement reached with the University of Ruhuna.

However, the University of Ruhuna announced that one of the two university lecturers who represented the university in agreeing to conduct joint research with the Shi Yan 6, had migrated overseas, and the other lecturer had stepped away from the country's university system completely.