Illegal to promote distillation of spirits; Police

Promoting the distillation of spirits at home will lead to prosecution

by Zulfick Farzan 10-04-2020 | 7:20 PM
Colombo (News 1st) ; Deputy Inspector General of Police Ajith Rohana said, those who publish posts on social media on distilling spirits at home, will be prosecuted in accordance to the provisions of the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol Act. ( Full Act : ) DIG Ajith Rohana went on to note, distilling spirits at home is an offence according to the law in Sri Lanka and promoting it via any medium is also a punishable offence. He added, a special team is investigating the content posted on social media. Any person convicted for promoting such illegal act would be subject to 02 years Rigorous Imprisonment by a court of law.