Pakistan celebrates the 79th National Day

by Staff Writer 23-03-2019 | 7:30 PM
Colombo (News 1st): Pakistan Day to mark the Lahore Resolution passed on March 23, 1940 is held today (March 23). Today also commemorates the adoption of the first constitution of Pakistan during the transition of the Dominion of Pakistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on March 23, 1956 making Pakistan the world's first Islamic republic. Weeks after the escalation of tension between New Delhi and Islamabad since the 1999 Kargil War, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan greetings on the eve of Pakistan's National Day. PM Imran Khan, in a tweet, said PM Narendra Modi told him that it is time for people of the subcontinent to work together "for a peaceful and prosperous region, in an atmosphere free of terror and violence". He added that he welcomes PM Modi's message and that he believes it is time to begin a comprehensive dialogue with India to address and resolve all issues. He said the two countries "need to forge a new relationship based on peace and prosperity for all our people." While Islamabad will celebrate Pakistan day today, the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi organized events yesterday (March 22). Foreign media reported that India, however, did not send any representatives to the event as separatists from Jammu and Kashmir were also invited. Meanwhile, the 79th National day of Pakistan was celebrated in Sri Lanka at the High Commission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The event saw the attendance of the Pakistani community-based in Sri Lanka. The Pakistan High Commissioner Major General Dr. Shahib Ahmad Hashmat unfurled the flag to the tune of Pakistan's national anthem. Special messages by the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan were read out. A cake commemorating Pakistan's national day was cut by the High Commissioner along with children. Speaking at the event High Commissioner of Pakistan to Sri Lanka Major General Dr. Shahib Ahmad Hashmat had this to say:
"Today, March 23rd is the National day of Pakistan. In 1947 Pakistan became an independent state and today it has a very important place in the committee of nations. Pakistan stands for peace, progress and harmony and we support the promotion of peace, progress and development especially in the region. Pakistan and Sri Lanka enjoy very good friendly relations which has been strengthened consistently over the last 70 years. I wish Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan people and the Sri Lankan government more Stability and Economic Progress."