Dompe & Pamunugama Probe Multiple Deaths

Multiple Deaths Under Investigation in Dompe and Pamunugama

by Staff Writer 25-05-2024 | 12:00 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Authorities are investigating two suspicious deaths in Dompe and Pamunugama.

In Malwana, Dompe, police discovered two bodies in a field after receiving a tip-off.

The deceased were identified as young men, aged 18 and 29, who were temporarily residing in a house in Malwana

In a separate incident, the body of an unidentified individual was found washed ashore in Uswetakeiyawa, Pamunugama.

The remains were transported to the Colombo North Teaching Hospital mortuary for further examination.

These discoveries come after the body of a 40-year-old man was previously found in Pamunugama.

The cause of death in all three cases remains under investigation.