Former Navy Commander Adm. Samarasekera has died

Sri Lanka's 12th Navy Commander Admiral Samarasekera has died

by Staff Writer 27-12-2022 | 3:48 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st) - The 12th Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy, Admiral DAMR Samarasekera (Retired) passed away on 23rd December 2022. 

He was one of the distinguished Commanders who led the Sri Lanka Navy in its glorious history.

Admiral DAMR Samarasekera (Retired) joined the Royal Ceylon Navy as Sub Lieutenant under the Direct Entry scheme on 23rd June 1971. 

The senior officer held office from 16th November 1992 to 27th January 1997, as the 12th Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy. 

In recognition of his service in the Royal Ceylon Navy and Sri Lanka Navy, the senior officer has been awarded with service medals including the Vishishta Seva Vibhushanaya.

Sri Lanka Navy said his remains will lie at a private funeral parlour in Borella on 30th December to pay last respects and the funeral of the senior naval officer will be held with full of service honours in compliance with naval traditions at the General Cemetery, Borella on 31st December.

Born in 1948 and commissioned as Direct Entry Sub lieutenant in the Royal Ceylon Navy on 23.06.1971. 

He was promoted to Lieutenant in 1974, Lieutenant Commander in 1982, Commander in 1985, Captain in 1987, Commodore in 1990, Rear Admiral in 1992 and Vice Admiral in 1993 after the appointment as Commander of the Navy. 

He followed a staff course in USA in 1992 and promoted Admiral at retirement on 27th January 1997. He was also awarded the Vishishta Seva Vibhushanaya medal.