SLPP must support candidate fielded by the party

SLPP must support candidate fielded by the party: G.L. Peiris

by Amani Nilar 15-07-2022 | 9:08 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Chairman of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna Professor G. L. Peiris has said that the SLPP must support a candidate fielded by the SLPP and not any other external candidate.

Speaking to a local newspaper the SLPP Chairman went onto say that since the SLPP commands a majority, the SLPP candidate will secure a victory at the Election for a President in Parliament.

G. L. Pieris said MP Dullas Alahapperuma has also expressed his intentions to run for President at the election on 20th July, and thereafter he is the most suitable candidate.

Although Professor G. L. Pieris said that the SLPP as a party will not support any external candidate, the SLPP General Secretary said that the SLPP had decided to back Ranil Wickremesinghe.