Atalugama Tragedy: 29-yr old suspect arrested

Atalugama Tragedy: 29-yr old suspect arrested

by Teena Marian 30-05-2022 | 3:43 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lanka Police arrested a 29-year-old suspect in connection with the murder of a girl in Atalugama.

Further, Sri Lanka Police recorded 50 statements regarding the Atulugama Child Murder.

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has already commenced an investigation into the incident.

Police said that a team of officers from the CID's Homicide and Organized Crime Investigation Division were sent to the area to investigate.

The National Child Protection Authority has also commenced an investigation into her death.

The body of the missing child from Atulugama, Bandaragama was recovered on Saturday (28), said Police.

The girl was a resident from Atalugama, and Police said she was a Grade 4 student from a local school.

Investigations revealed that she had visited a shop nearby at 10 AM to buy food and never returned.

Relatives and neighbors have searched the area as she did not return home, and thereafter immediately informed the Police.