Amaraweera wants ban on sand mining permits

Amaraweera wants ban on sand mining permits

by Teena Marian 14-03-2022 | 1:34 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Minister of Environment, Mahinda Amaraweera has instructed the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau to temporarily ban the issuance of sand mining permits.

The Ministry said that the excavations for sand on land were causing massive environmental damage and that the village of Walewatta in Ambalantota had been destroyed by the excavations.

Further, the Minister has also pointed out that lands with economically valuable cultivations, as well as paddy lands, have been destroyed as result of the excavations for sand.

Amaraweera further said that the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau will deploy a special team to conduct an extensive investigation on the matter, and a report will be obtained.

He said the future course of action will be made based on the recommendations of the committee report.