Govt. neglecting its duty to expose the truth

Govt. neglecting its duty to expose truth behind Easter Attack - NCCSC

by Zulfick Farzan 30-09-2021 | 4:18 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The National Catholic Centre for Social Communication alleges the government is neglecting its duty to exposing the truth behind the 2019 April 21st Attacks.

The National Catholic Centre for Social Communication operates under the direct supervision of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka.

In a statement, it noted that this should be made a turning point to ensure that justice is served, national security is secured and such crimes do not repeat.

The National Catholic Centre for Social Communication says law enforcement is chasing after the civil activists and priests who label the events as a conspiracy while demanding the true perpetrators of the Easter Sunday attacks are exposed.

The statement noted that certain groups are drafting plans to weaken those who call for justice, and the National Catholic Centre for Social Communication questions why are these attempts being made and at whose request.

The National Catholic Centre for Social Communication noted that the Government that has not deployed its forces to track down the real criminals is engaged in disgraceful acts that even anger the general public.

The National Catholic Centre for Social Communication notes that two police officers were appointed to senior ranks, while the Presidential Commission that probed the Easter Sunday Attacks recommended for them to be prosecuted.

The National Catholic Centre for Social Communication says it is concerning if the government is wasting time until the entire county forgets the incident.