Drug mule & trafficker 'Puppy' arrested by PNB

Drug mule & trafficker 'Puppy' arrested by PNB

by Zulfick Farzan 15-07-2021 | 10:10 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lanka Police arrested a person operating a fishing trawler for drug trafficking.

In February 2021 a large consignment of drugs was transported to the southern shores by a trawler, and the suspect had operated this particular trawler.

The suspect was identified as Chamith Lakmal Alias 'Puppy', a 36-year-old from Tangalle.

Police Spokesperson Senior DIG Ajith Rohana said the Police Narcotic Bureau is seeking a 07-day detention order from the court to interrogate the suspect further.

In addition, another person was arrested in Egodawila for the possession of43 narcotic pills.

Sri Lanka Police said the southern part of the country is gradually turning into a drug hub and urged the general public to provide local law enforcement with information about drugs and drug traffickers.