52 deaths in motor accidents in past 05 days

52 deaths in motor accidents in past 05 days - Police

by Zulfick Farzan 18-04-2021 | 8:57 AM

Colombo (News 1st); 52 people died in motor accidents in the past five days, said Police Spokesperson DIG Ajith Rohana on Sunday (18).

"During the past five days (13th April to 17th April), a total of 399 motor accidents were reported from across the country," he said, adding 669 people were injured in motor accidents during the said period. Police Spokesman DIG Ajith Rohana said 2,242 vehicles seized by Sri Lanka Police for multiple traffic violations including causing accidents and drunk driving. DIG Rohana said 12 buses, 38 lorries, 128 cars, 553 three wheelers, 1,429 motorcycles, 22 pick-up trucks and 22 dual purpose vehicles were taken into custody.