Manusha wants Wigneswaran's comments removed

MP seeks comments made by C. V. Wigneswaran removed from Hansard

by Zulfick Farzan 21-08-2020 | 5:14 PM

Colombo (News 1st); Sri Lanka's Parliament Speaker said he will conduct an inquiry over a statement made by an elected lawmaker, which another lawmaker claimed it expressed an opinion that could harm Sri Lanka’s sovereignty.

SJB MP Manusha Nanayakkara speaking in Parliament on Friday (21) requested the comments made by MP C.V Wigneswaran during the 01st sitting of Parliament on Thursday (20) be removed from the Hansard.

In his first-ever speech as a Member of Parliament, C.V Wigneswaran said, "I start my felicitation Honourable Speaker, hailing you in my mother tongue, the oldest living language of this world. And the language of the first indigenous inhabitants of this country and proceed in the link language." (Translated Quote)

However, Manusha Nanayakkara claimed when taking oaths every MP pledged not to support any cause on dividing the country or even aiding towards such efforts indirectly.

He said every individual is entitled to have an opinion, however, such comments should never be included in the Hansard of the Sri Lankan Parliament.