Ranjan Ramanayake's phone conversations leaked

Ranjan Ramanayake's phone conversations with former CID Director Shani Abeysekara leaked

by Staff Writer 06-01-2020 | 9:57 PM
COLOMBO (News 1st) - Several phone conversations that took place between Ranjan Ramanayake and others were made public today at a media briefing convened by the SLPP. State Minister Rohitha Abeygunawardena and State Minister Laxman Yapa Abeywardena joined this media briefing. During the media brief, a long conversation between former CID Director SSP Shani Abeysekara and Ranjan Ramanayake was played by the State Minister of Energy Rohitha Abeygunawardena. Rohitha Abeygunawardena stated that he would present the conversations MP Ranjan Ramanayake had with the lady judges at the next week's media briefing. He added that it was evident the Yahapalana Government did not only bend the law, but they destroyed the law and cornered the courts into a very helpless situation. He shared that Ranjan Ramanayake has to be arrested not on the charges of not having a license for the firearm he possessed but for these recordings. State minister went on to note that the MP should be summoned and statements have to be recorded from him. He requested the IGP to enact the law against Ranjan Ramanayake and Shani Abeysekara regarding these voice recordings that are being circulated on social media. Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena, State Minister of Information and Communication Technology stated that the government has been accused of attempting to release convicts from the prison after assuming power, however, it is evident on who wanted Duminda Silva to be imprisoned. He added that further details will come to light in the future. He went on to note that the Police have actionable evidence in this matter and they should act according to it. Journalist: A request has been made from the IGP or from the Secretary of Defence. Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena stated that the Secretary of Defence should issue an order. Government MPs spoke about the voice recordings which were released to the social media. UPFA MP Udaya Gammanpila stated that the police did not receive a search warrant for a trivial reason and they were seeking evidence that influenced the judiciary and state officials during the past 5 years. MP added that during the search operation a number of Compact Discs containing evidence on such influences have already been discovered and both Ranjan Ramanayake and those who are above him are in jeopardy this time. UPFA MP Kanaka Herath requested the police and the police commission, not to act in a manner that would disrepute the government and added that they intend to bring the perpetrators of the bond scam before justice. Wimal Weerawansa, Minister of Small and Medium Business and Entrepreneur Development, Industry, Logistics Management noted that several other recordings will also come to light soon. He added that the search operation was not carried out to find obscene videos, but for those voice recordings. He added that when the cases are filed based on the voice recordings the public will witness and see the true intentions of the government of this operation. Meanwhile, the United National Party questioned how the CD's seized by police were released to the media. UNP MP Harshana Rajakaruna: "Now when they mess things up, they are trying to pass the buck to the police. They say it is the police and not them. Who is the Minister in charge of the Police? It is President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The State Minister is Chamal Rajapaksa. Then there is the Defence Secretary. Will they arrest a parliamentarian without the knowledge of any one of these people? These are bedtimes stories. When you look at the media, some other people are saying that they received information on some CDs, and that is why they searched the residence and that the licensed firearm was found later. They already know what is on the CDs. How did they find out about the content on the CDs that is in the custody of the police? This is nothing but political revenge."