15 hour water cut to the Kaluthara district

15 hour water cut to several areas of the Kaluthara district

by Staff Writer 26-11-2018 | 12:35 PM
COLOMBO (News 1st) - There will be a 15-hour water cut from 8.30 am to 11.30 pm tomorrow (November 27). The areas affected are Wadduwa, Waskaduwa, Pothupitiya, South Kaluthara, North Kaluthara, Katukurunda, Nagoda, Payagala, Pilaminawaththa, Bombuwala, Maggona, Beruwala, Kaluwamodara, Moragalla, Aluthgama, Dharga town and Benthota. The water disruption is due to a disruption of electricity supplied to the Kethhena water purification plant owing to mandatory maintenance carried out by the CEB.