President of Mynmar, Htin Kyaw resigns

President of Mynmar, Htin Kyaw resigns from office

by Staff Writer 21-03-2018 | 12:17 PM
President's office of Myanmar announced that the current president, Htin Kyaw has resigned from the office. No reason was given for his sudden resignation, but there has been growing concern in recent months about the 71-year-old's health after he appeared frail at an official function. Htin Kyaw was sworn in as president in 2016 after landmark elections which ended decades of military leadership. But he was essentially a ceremonial leader, with long-time opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi acting as de facto president. The statement posted on the presidency's Facebook page said Htin Kyaw wanted to "take a rest". Accordingly, the post stated that the Vice-President Myint Swe, a former general, would act as president until a new president is chosen within seven days. Aung San Suu Kyi, who was jailed for years under the military junta, was banned from taking the top job. A clause in the constitution was widely seen as being deliberately designed to keep her from office, states that no-one with children of another nationality can be president. She had two children with her late British husband. Htin Kyaw was her childhood friend, a long-time advisor, and some time driver. He was widely seen as quiet and dependable, and someone she could trust entirely.