Activities at LG bodies stalled due to 'delay'

Commencement of activities at LG bodies delayed

by Staff Writer 27-02-2018 | 7:24 PM
COLOMBO (News1st): It has been fifteen days since the Local Government Election held. However, the execution of plans is yet to be delivered. The elected lists of members for respective provincial councils have not yet submitted to the Elections Commission. As notified earlier, the deadline for submission was due on March 2, while the deadline for issuing the gazette notification is March 3. According to the Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Government, a meeting must convene within seven days after the notification issued to the elected members. Legal Officer of the Ministry, Gayani Premathilaka said commencement of activities at Local Government Bodies is most likely to be delayed beyond March 06. She further stated that instructions in this regard will be sought from the subject minister tomorrow.