NO decision on travel restrictions during weekend

NO decision on complete travel restrictions during weekend - Army Commander

by Zulfick Farzan 21-07-2021 | 7:20 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); No decision was made to impose travel restrictions during the upcoming long weekend, said Sri Lanka's Army Commander General Shavendra Silva on Wednesday (21), adding that however the Inter-Province Travel Restrictions will remain in effect.

The Army Commander said if the relaxed restrictions are abused a situation will arise where authorities will have to impose a ban on weddings and other events.

General Shavendra Silva said even though the maximum participation for a wedding was limited to 150 attendees, there are incidents where the number of attendees are even higher.

The Head of the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID 19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) reiterated that previous COVID waves spread due to such abuse of relaxed restrictions.

'The Delta COVID variant has been reported from various areas and given this situation it is the responsibility of the public to ensure they follow the necessary guidelines,' stressed General Shavendra Silva.

The Army Commander said restrictions will be imposed when required.